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President General

Mónica Santamarina


Coordinator Synod Project

Margot Buysschaert


Community Manager Africa

Sr. Maureen Ogundeph

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Institutional Director

María Lía Zervino, Servidora


Social media Manager

Gelsomino Del Guercio


Community Manager Africa

Esther Nyacke Ntah


Projects Director

Ana Martiarena


Communication Manager

Mercè Alonso


Community Manager Latin America

Eugenia Spoturno



Patricio Caruso


Assistant Latin America

Montserrat Valdivia


Office Manager

Adela González

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Assistant Africa

Sr. Catherine Mulwa


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María Concepción


Social Protection and Labor Specialist at the World Bank, previously General Director of Planning and Evaluation of the Human Development Program Oportunidades in Mexico, with over 45 years of experience in social development, working on the design, implementation and achievement of social protection and poverty alleviation programs and strategies, and on the promotion of education for underprivileged children and vulnerable groups (women, indigenous peoples, peasants, etc.). Experience in diverse settings, including managing national public programs and community-based initiatives in rural areas, communities of practice for knowledge exchange on safety net programs, between others. Work experience at the three levels of government, including municipalities with varying degrees of development and diverse regional contexts.

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Agustín Salvia

Sociologist, PhD in Social Sciences, Senior Researcher at CONICET. Director of the Observatorio de la Deuda Social Argentina at the Universidad Católica of Argentina.  Director of the Structural Change and Social Inequality Programme at the Gino Germani Research Institute of the University of Buenos Aires. Undergraduate and postgraduate lecturer in Social Research Methodology. Researcher and former coordinator of the CLACSO Working Group: Inequalities, social structure and policies. Coordinator of the Network of Social Observatories of Catholic Universities in Latin America and the Caribbean and of the Socio Anthropological and Pastoral Observatory of CELAM. Consultant to national and international organisations on social policies. Expert in studies on social structure, economic inequality, labour market, poverty and social marginality.

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Sr. Anne-Béatrice Faye

Religious sister from the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception in Castres on mission in Burkina Faso for the past 8 years. She has focused her interest on the issue of women in the context of Africa and the Church. Professor of philosophy at the Saint Augustin Centre in Dakar and at the Institute of Ecumenical Theology in Rabat, Morocco. Member of the ATA (Association of African Theologians). She has been appointed member of the Theological Commission for the Synod and expert at the 1st session in October 2023.

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